Saturday, May 8, 2010
When I nearly got the job in Facebook
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Introducing Tarannum

Completing eight months of serving to orkut users, successfully won the most important relation with its readers which is Trust I always tried my best to deliver the best and the useful information and resource in the form of interviews, community reviews, blogs & website reviews and articles related to orkut communities and social networking. Truly, this would not have been possible without the dedicated team of authors and contributors of
Strengthening the team, I luckily discovered a talented and an intelligent girl who also fortunately is my younger sister. Tarannum, known as TARA, is in OrkutHeroes squad as an editor in chief. Tara has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and an admirable work experiences in different corporate services including IBM Daksh.
Tara’s role on OrkutHeroes will not be limited to editing the articles and write-ups but she will also handle every project from researching on the subject, contacting the orkut users and finally writing and then publishing on the blog.
Because she is my sister, not only sister but like my daughter since our father died 15 years ago, I chose not to write much about Tara praising her abilities and talent or else I as a brother could go partial. It’s better if she proves herself by her work.
This is just a formal introduction of our new team member who is going to work for from now onwards.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Questions of Critics- Answers of zazo
After more than 40 interviews, articles, stories and reviews OrkutHeroes has completed it’s more than 6 months live on World Wide Web successfully. Claiming to be one of the most unique social media blog dedicatedly featuring some outstanding and completely exceptional individual personalities of popular social networking site OrkutHeroes is moving fast to its goal leaving all critics remarks untrue and gathering support and popularity among hundreds of orkut users.
At this time I once again came up to answer all those who still have confusion and made OrkutHeroes a topic of gossips in different orkut communities. The question which is most commonly raised on different times when I featured some people on OrkutHeroes which makes other’s raised there eyebrows in questions about those individuals and me “Why they are featured?” “What made them an Orkut Hero?” or “ How zazo decided them to featured?” Then give me a chance to open up myself in front of everyone. Firstly, OrkutHeroes is an independent blog gave full rights to the owner to do whatever he wants to do or make his blog. However, I do care and know my responsibilities to feature such people who can positively inspire and motivate others, but that doesn’t mean that the one I think as a hero can be same as what you think, right? It’s not necessary that 2 people can think same in terms of judging other. My main and only aim is to show this world and media who projected social networking as a disaster among young internet savvies, completely untrue. Orkut in other way is place to have fun, meeting friends or just freaking out but for some it’s not just another hanging out virtual home but more than that. These people gave there time, knowledge and helped many by there talent, leadership and friendly nature to build a community inside a community.
I never took any interview of any individual’s own request nor will I do that in future, I only took support from my network of friends and contributors of OrkutHeroes to get right person to be featured on, I admit that I still undiscovered many real talents and real heroes who deserve best to get this small honor but I am trying my best to reach to them and sometimes I do work hard above my limits. I was disappointed by the reaction of Piyush Shekhar’s interview because only 1 person objected me and started a thread on one popular community of orkut questioning me on my work, then my answer to that person is that Piyush was not discovered by me directly but one orkut user who is also featured on named Piyush for the next deserved person on OrkutHeroes, I trust every OrkutHeroes featured person because of there talent and high respect they got from others so I started talking with Piyush but never invited him till I myself felt that Piyush really deserved.
If you really have respect and love for and wants to help me in that case I always need help and support and every time I requested orkut users to help me in getting real heroes, don’t I? I hope it’s enough to make many things clear now and if still something left then mail me or scrap me and I will try my best to answer you but don’t start publicizing in other’s community.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Join the crew of orkutheroes
Now, I want to involve dedicated people from orkut who can help me as a team for the blog For that i made some job profiles and description and whoever are interested in giving there small amount of time in this work of mine where i feature some real life heroes and project them to the whole world through the medium of internet than you are welcome to join the Crew of Orkutheroes
1.Authors& Bloggers: If you have good writing skills, knowledge of english and dedication you can be an author of, you work will be writing articles & writing real life stories of people on orkut.
2.Moderators: This work is more than what a normal moderation work, you need to take interviews of people who are invited on orkut's hall of fame. For this you need to be polite, educated, knowledgeable, passion to learn, leadership quality, professional and dedicated.
4. Web/Blog Designer/Developer: Perfection in php, javascript and wordpress blog(1st preference), We need to keep our blog updated with new features and latest version of WP.
5.Media Personality: Please help us in spreading those interviews which are useful for students to read, which are useful for the society and can make someone inspired and motivated by your medium of network.Your attempt will make people aware of many things like education and knowledge, positive social networking, carrier, jobs etc.
For every posts mention above you will get more detail if you get in touch with not by scrapping me on orkut but by mailing me on
All the post are non payable and only for those who are ready to work as a volunteer
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Finally to
I am really thankful to everyone from Orkut's Hall of Fame and my friends and well-wishers for there dedication, support, love and trust. Its a remarkable journey and still there is lot more on the way. Finally, i would like to thank Mr.India and Armaan Bhati who gave there real time and hard work to develop the site, I am thankful to my friend Aslam Khilji a MCA and going to be an IPS officer who stand alone by myside and supported me everytime. lastly, my family my mamma, tara and my sweety u all!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Orkut's Hall of Fame Rules and Guidelines
Please read carefully
Rules for the Members of Orkut's Hall of Fame:
- Don't start a new thread if you are not intended to start an interview
- Members who are featured in Orkut Heroes Blog are only allowed to start an interview.
- Please don't give comments or questions in between the interview session if the question is not asked to you or you are not authorized to answer it.
- Please don't scrap/message to the owner or moderator to start your interview, this could be unimpressive and could make you down probably.
- The interview thread will be closed or deleted if the member is not contributing from more than 15 days without giving the reason of not attending interview.
- You need a reference of an existing member who is already interviewed and featured in Orkut Heros Blog. Scrap the owner about your reference than click "JOIN" we will cross check and decide to allow new members.
- We choose those members who are dedicatedly giving there time and attempt to make communities meaningful, beautiful, clean and informative for others.
- We choose those who are extra ordinary talented in there respective field or hobby be it education, information, entertainment., technical, sports, social work, health etc. we are not interested in communities dedicated to your favourite movie star or your favourite hangouts, restaurants, clubs or coffee shop etc.
- We choose those respected moderators of different communities who are giving there time and support to the members of there communities by there knowledge and experience.
- We are not interested that how many communities or community you own, either 100 or 10. Even you own 1 community with small numbers of member but its giving something helpful and informative than you could be the one in our choice.
- We dont make heroes, nor we give popularity or fame. Orkut's Hall of Fame is a honor to those respected individuals who are interviewed on our community, popularity follows automatically when they receive honor.
Thanks for all co-operation and support!
Yours sincerely,
Monday, April 7, 2008
zazo, Whats in this name?
zazo came into the existence 8 years back when i was new to internet and started chatting on yahoo messenger, i got one friend from Iraq who could not pronounce my name Zaheer and gave me a nick name zizao which altered and became zazo. My that friend shared a very emotional and strong relationship with me and I lost her since Iraq was invaded, hope she would be safe. This is one more reason i want to keep this name alive which will always make me remember her.
Other reason is that zazo is a short, catchy and name which can be easily remember and in most of the websites im registered i use only this name, if i dont get than zack is my second nick name and if not zack than simply Zaheer.
Days before when i purchased a domain i asked my sister to find an abrivation which suited me and in secs she came up with ZAZO(Zaheer Abbas Zooming Out) :) lol
so , i gave 3 reasons for my small sweer nick zazo!
on my next post i'll disclose why i write always in small letters "zazo"